North Korea Test Fired Its New Long-range Cruise Missile

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The Asian country is known for constantly testing new weapons, and it seems that the lack of communication with the U.S about the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula has triggered new missile tests. Media reports specified  that North Korea successfully tested a long-range cruise missile last weekend, and the missiles flew over 1,500 kilometers. The missiles fell into North Korean waters, and the mission is the first one after testing the tactical ballistics missiles from March.

Japan reacted to the news

Katsunobu Kato, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, described the missile testing as a threat to peace in the region. The Japanese Government remains concerned because this was not the only cruise missile test North Korea conducted this year.
Back in 2019, the U.S and North Korea attempted a dialogue aimed at the denuclearisation of the region. However, back in March this year, a North Korean diplomat called the U.S attempt at initiating contact again as a trick. Apparently, the U.S’s attempts to initiate a dialogue this year were through email, phone messaged, and using third countries.

North Korea does not want to communicate with the U.S

Choe Son Hui, a North Korean diplomat, declared that her country does not want to reengage in talks with the U.S, while the latter maintains sanctions and other hostile policies. The Biden Administration declared that denuclearising North Korea is a top priority. At the same time, South Korea feels trapped as North Korea’s closest neighbor. North Korea decided to stop receiving calls after the annual U.S, and South Korea military exercise began.
The newest long-range missile has been developed after two years of work, and it is part of a plan to advance North Korea’s defense science. Cruise missiles can be armed with nuclear bombs, as well as conventional bombs.

Cezara enjoys writing about technology, international news, finances and education. A former teacher and a writing enthusiast, she is concerned with how progress in all fields might influence future generations and how all of us can benefit from the newest discoveries.
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