Marlboro cigarettes to disappear in the UK

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Philips Morris is a tobacco giant, and the Marlboro brand has been popular worldwide amongst cigarettes smokers. The American brand Marlboro was introduced in 1924, and for 97 years, it has been on the shelves of tobacco shops worldwide. But not for long, according to the chief executive of Philip Morris International.

No more Malboros in the U.K

The CEO of Philip Morris International declared that the Marlboro cigarettes will not be sold in the U.K. within the next decade and that other alternatives would take their place. Jacek Olczak explained the decision and mentioned the future plans of Philip Morris International. The company is seeking to switch to less harmful options such as e-cigarettes.

The CEO of Philip Morris International made it clear that traditional cigarettes are harmful and that the decision supports the U.K. Government’s plans to become a smoke-free country by 2030. The message is that consumers should quit smoking or at least seek less harmful options. Combustible smoking cigarettes are harmful for our health and for our planet.

Goodbye traditional cigarettes in the U.Kand Scotland?

The U.K. Government is planning to ban cigarettes in the nine years or less, and it will try to help smokers of different age groups. Many have debated if the decision is doable or not, but the statistics show that the smoking rates in Britain are the lowest among European countries. Also, Scotland will become a smoke-free country by 2034. The news was released back in 2019, and since then, the U.K. Government is working on reaching its target years. Until then, smoking is still banned in closed public spaces in Scotland and the U.K. and only people 18 years old or older are allowed to buy cigarettes and other tobacco made products.

Cezara enjoys writing about technology, international news, finances and education. A former teacher and a writing enthusiast, she is concerned with how progress in all fields might influence future generations and how all of us can benefit from the newest discoveries.
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