Covid-19 Update: Children under Three Are More Likely to Spread the Virus

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Researchers have been trying hard to study everything connected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, especially connected to its transmissibility. A new study found that babies and toddlers under three are more likely to spread the infection to their families than older children are. The investigation studied the association between age and pediatric household transmission of the new coronavirus, and the findings were published two days ago.

Younger children and infants spread the virus more
The study used 6280 households with pediatric index infection cases and 1717 households with secondary transmission cases and determined that household transmission is more frequent when small children are involved. Although children were categorized into several age groups, the 0-3 age group is the one that has the worrying statistics.
The findings are not surprising if we consider the age group
Infants and toddlers do not have the best cleaning habits. Babies and infants sneeze, drool saliva and touch everything without washing their hands on their own. Although they are not more contagious than other age groups, the fact that they cannot follow protection measures such as frequent handwashing and sanitizing everything before eating it could be the reason. The study also found that teenagers are the least likely to spread the Covid-19 infection. Teenagers are also mature enough to understand the importance of proper hygiene, and they wear masks in public places. They also have less physical contact with their siblings and families.
Many children do not experience symptoms when they get infected. Therefore caregivers might not notice they are sick. This means that caregivers will not use protection around them or get them tested. The findings suggest that the rate of transmission among children needs further studies. Unfortunately, the FDA has yet to approve a Covid-19 vaccine for children younger than 12.

Cezara enjoys writing about technology, international news, finances and education. A former teacher and a writing enthusiast, she is concerned with how progress in all fields might influence future generations and how all of us can benefit from the newest discoveries.
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